One Happy Island with Very Truly Yours and dancing by The Revelettes at the Darkoom (March 15, 2009)
Sorry this is such a belated post—part of having a college radio show happens to mean that I am in college and as such, I have been battling theses projects and finals. But now I am having a little break in sunny Puerto Morelos, Mexico, where I can sit by the ocean sipping white wine and finally start thinking about pop music again. (That happens to mean listening to the new Cats on Fire and Camera Obscura albums on repeat!)
First on the list, last week Sunday I had the delightful privilege to see One Happy Island with Very Truly Yours in the very last show hosted in Chicago by my friends Colour Me Pop! I will be sad to see them go, but I do think they had a lovely send-off for their voyage to London.
One Happy Island is a four-piece from Boston who has released two EPs on WeePOP! Records. They play in a classically DIY way that reminds me of a Bunnygrunt who I actually enjoy listening to. Their songs have wit and charm, great instrumentation (theremin included!) and best of all, a ton of ukulele (in which I, too, have been know to dabble). I spent a few weeks listening to “Earth’s Circumference” on repeat in my car, and probably even longer with “Anita” and “Temporary Tattoo,” which the band calls “their hit.” It’s easy to see how this band has been making the pop circuits all throughout the country for the last couple of years. They put on a show that was full of energy and incredibly engaging. I am excited to see where they go now that they seem to have picked up steam! (And Rebecca told me that they’re getting ready to put out a full-length!)
Since the past two entries have championed the wonderful Chicago locals Very Truly Yours, I will just say that they put on an even better performance than last time. I am so glad to have such a fantastic local pop band and everyone should go and catch them next time around. They’re even making their way to Boston to open for One Happy Island and The Tartans. And, although this will be the subject of the next post, NEW YORK CITY POPFEST!
Oh, and did I mention there was go-go dancing?? Chicago go-go troupe The Revelettes showed us their moves (admittedly to some strange choices, i.e. “These Boots are Made for Walking”). Although they were slotted for right after Very Truly Yours, that didn’t stop them from dancing into One Happy Island’s set, with hula-hoops and all!
I promise to be a bit better with my entries from now on, too!